Typography - Final Compilation & Reflection

2/4/2021 - 2/7/2021 / Week 1 - Week 14

Jason Antony / 0356335

Typography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Final Compilation & Reflection 


Task 1: Type Expression and Text Formatting

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)

Task 3: Type Design and Communication (Font Design)


Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expression

Fig. 1.1 Final Type Expression - JPEG,  (19/09/2022)

Fig. 1.2 Final Type Expression - PDF,  (19/09/2022)

Fig. 1.3 Final Animated Type Expression "Tired" - GIF,  (19/09/2022)

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting

Fig. 1.4 Final Text Formatting (Without Grid) - JPEG,  (02/10/2022)

Fig. 1.5 Final Text Formatting (With Grid - JPEG,  (02/10/2022)

Fig. 1.6 Final Text Formatting - PDF,  (26/09/2022)

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication

Fig. 2.1 Final Typographic Exploration and Communication - JPEG,  ( 14/10/2022)

Fig. 2.2 Final Typographic Exploration and Communication (With Grids)-JPEG,   (14/10/2022)

Fig. 2.3 Final Typographic Exploration and Communication - PDF,   (14/10/2022)

Task 3A: Type Design and Communication

Fig. 3.1 Final Task 3A: Type Design and Communication "Level Sans" - JPEG,  (12/11/2022)

Fig. 3.3 "Level Sans" Typo Poster A4 - JPEG,  (12/11/2022)

Fig. 3.4 Final Task 3A: Type Design and Communication "Level Sans" - PDF,  (12/11/2022)

Fig. 3.5 "Level Sans" Typo Poster A4 - PDF,  (12/11/2022)

Font download: 



My experience studying typography was a journey on its own. There were bumps along the road, and at times I felt burnt out and dissatisfied with my work. But along the way, I learned that we live and learn; that is all-natural. The pinnacle of my typography learning experience was being able to eventually design my own typeface after appreciating the efforts of many graphic artists. The lengthy process of that endeavor made it time-consuming, but the final result made me proud of what I can achieve. To add to that, I now respect type and pay closer attention to what it can do for a design. Thanks to typography I now just can't help but identify and analyze words and fonts every time I see them. 


With the assignments provided, I've developed my ability to notice the subtleties of the letters, their variety in traits/features, and the optical distinctions in type design. For example, the contrast in line thickness. Some fonts are asymmetrical, contrary to what I had previously believed. I discovered this after researching them and performing type deconstructions. For example, Futura, my favorite font, is in fact asymmetrical even though it seems otherwise. I also tend to observe kerning more than ever after this course. My inner OCD screams every time I see bad kerning in prints, posters, and media in general. Thanks, Mr. Vinod


This semester has taught me that typography is more complex than what the eye can really perceive. They don't merely consist of words or letters organized in attractive fonts or intriguing compositions. There are many restrictions, which I found to be quite a challenge when I first began studying typography. I had anticipated some regulations, but not this many, and with all the varied terminologies and especially the letter anatomy. It's not like making art, where I can make whatever I think looks good without having to adhere to any rules. Despite this, I like it. I was previously an architecture student and I am familiar with all these guides and restrictions. The technical aspect of typography made me enjoy it despite it being frustrating sometimes, especially when Iterating designs. Overall I am quite pleased to have taken this course and I will likely use most of the skillsets I have learned throughout this course in my future endeavors. 


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