Jason Antony / 0356335 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media

Experiential Design

Task 4: Creative Experience Design Project

December 15, 2023

Coming from the prototype I've improved several parts of the app.

**1. AR Scene:**

   - In the AR scene, I experienced the heart of our educational AR app. Here, I harnessed the incredible capabilities of Unity's AR Foundation to bring cell biology to life. By simply tapping on the screen of my mobile device, I was able to place a 3D model of a cell into my real-world environment. It was awe-inspiring to see the cell model seamlessly blend with my surroundings. I used Sketchfab to import the 3d model and create the labels. Then I made the object able to rotate, zoom, and move using a plugin called Lean Touch. 

**2. Notebook Scene:**

   - The Notebook scene was like opening a digital textbook on my mobile device. It was designed to be viewed in portrait mode, offering a comfortable reading experience. The Unity environment allowed us to create a user-friendly interface where I could access comprehensive descriptions of various cell organelles. Scrolling through the organelles was effortless, and I found it easy to acquire in-depth knowledge about these essential cell components.

Above is the LoFi version of the UI, During that time, I was creating the mechanisms for the scrolling. I used scroll rect, scroll UI, and containers with grid layouts in order to achieve this feature.

After the scrolling feature worked, I created the UI in Figma and imported everything using sprites.

**3. Quiz Start Scene:**

   This scene serves as the start of the quiz.

**4. Quiz Scene:**

   - The Quiz Scene was the heart of the educational assessment. Unity's scripting abilities were evident here as I faced multiple-choice questions challenging my understanding of cell organelles. The scores are recorded and displayed as users progress through the quiz. The immediate feedback users receive after each question enhances the learning experience. 

Lofi Version

Final Version

Scripting the Quiz

The QuizManager script in C# is responsible for managing the entire quiz experience within the Unity application. This script is designed to facilitate the flow of questions, user interactions, scoring, and feedback. Here's a detailed explanation of how this script works:

**Initialization and Start:** Upon initializing the quiz scene, the script sets the stage by initializing various crucial variables. These variables include references to essential UI components like the question text, option buttons, and the score text. The **RestartQuiz()** method is called in the **Start()** function to kickstart the quiz.

**Generating Questions:** The script defines a list of **Question** objects, each containing a question text, an array of answer options, and the index of the correct answer. These questions are organized into a list, and the **GenerateQuestions()** function is responsible for populating this list with the questions and answer data. The questions are intentionally shuffled to ensure a dynamic and randomized quiz experience.

**User Interaction and Display:** As the quiz progresses, the script manages the presentation of questions and answer options on the UI. The **AskNextQuestion()** function handles this task. It retrieves the next question from the list, updates the question text, and displays the corresponding answer choices as buttons. Each button is associated with an **onClick** listener, ensuring that when a user selects an option, the **CheckAnswer()** function is called to assess its correctness.

**Answer Evaluation:** When a user selects an answer, the script triggers the **CheckAnswer()** function. This function checks whether the chosen answer index matches the index of the correct answer for the current question. If correct, the user's score increments and the answer is marked as correct. In case of an incorrect answer, the chosen option is highlighted in red. After a brief delay of 2 seconds, the next question is presented.

**Highlighting Correct Answers:** To provide immediate feedback, the script highlights the correct answer in green and temporarily disables all other answer buttons to prevent further interaction. This ensures that users are aware of the correct answer before proceeding to the next question.

**Finishing the Quiz:** When all questions have been answered or when the user reaches the end of the quiz, the **FinishQuiz()** function is called. This function displays the user's final score and a message indicating the completion of the quiz. The quiz UI is hidden to provide a clear summary.

**Restarting the Quiz:** The script offers the option to restart the quiz using the **RestartQuiz()** function. This function resets the user's score, regenerates the questions, and prepares the UI for a new quiz session.

**Showing and Hiding UI:** The script efficiently manages the visibility of quiz-related UI elements. It shows the question text and answer buttons while hiding the score text during the quiz. After completion, it hides the question and answer buttons and displays the final score.

In essence, the **QuizManager** script functions as the core control system for the quiz feature in Unity, handling question progression, scoring, feedback, and user interactions. It transforms the quiz into an engaging and interactive learning experience, providing users with an opportunity to test their knowledge and receive immediate feedback.

Other Scripts

These scripts serve as navigation to load different scenes when each corresponding button is pressed.

These scenes came to life through Unity's development environment, where I leveraged AR Foundation for augmented reality, designed user interfaces for the notebook and quiz scenes, and used scripting to create an interactive and immersive educational app. It was an enlightening journey exploring and learning about cell organelles through this unique application.

Future Progression

improvements in the features can expand this application. different types of cells can be added, which means more notebooks can be added corresponding to each different cell. Also, more quizzes can be added if more types of cells are added.

Youtube video link



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