Application Design 2 - Final Project

Jason Antony


Application Design 2

Final Project - Live Web App


A) Final Project – Completed App – 30 % Students will synthesise the knowledge gained in task 1, 2 and 3 for application in task 4. Students will create integrate visual asset and refine the prototype into a complete working and functional product experience.

B) E-Portfolio - 10 % Students describe and reflect on their social competencies within the design studio context, supported by evidence. Reflect on how to empathize with others within group settings, interact positively within a team, and foster stable and harmonious relationships for productive teamwork. Reflective writing is part of the TGCP.

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Process and Reflection


For my final project in Application Design 2, I developed a web application aimed at providing users with an intuitive and interactive interface for booking movie tickets. The project involved extensive front-end development, focusing on creating a responsive and visually appealing user experience. Throughout the development process, I learned valuable lessons about UI/UX design and organization, and Tailwind CSS proved to be an invaluable tool that significantly enhanced my project’s efficiency and structure.

Streamlining the Design Process

Initially, I realized that my approach to coding was inefficient. I felt overwhelmed by the numerous classes for each element across many pages in my web app. This led me to explore CSS libraries, and I chose Tailwind CSS for this project. Tailwind helped me immensely in organizing and structuring my project. I could differentiate each element using CSS classes that offered native CSS functionalities directly in the HTML file, eliminating the need to link a massive CSS file to all the pages. Although there is still a stylesheet for shared elements across the web app, Tailwind simplified the process.

The utility-first approach of Tailwind CSS was one of its most notable benefits. Unlike traditional CSS frameworks that offer predefined components and styles, Tailwind provides a comprehensive set of utility classes. This allowed me to build custom designs directly in the HTML without needing to write additional CSS rules. As a result, I could rapidly prototype and iterate on design ideas, adjusting styles on the fly and seeing immediate results.

Enhancing Code Organization

Tailwind’s utility classes played a crucial role in maintaining a well-organized codebase. By leveraging these classes, I avoided the pitfalls of deeply nested CSS rules and specificity conflicts that often plague large projects. Each HTML element’s styles were self-contained, making the code more readable and easier to maintain. This modular approach also facilitated better collaboration, as team members could quickly understand and modify the design without digging through extensive CSS files.

Styling the navigation bar and buttons, for instance, was incredibly efficient with Tailwind. Utility classes like bg-blue-500, text-white, font-bold, py-2, px-4, and rounded provided a clear and concise way to apply styles directly within the HTML. This not only reduced the need for additional CSS files but also minimized context switching between HTML and CSS, streamlining the development workflow.

Consistency and Scalability

Tailwind ensured design consistency across the entire application. By using predefined utility classes, I maintained a cohesive visual style without worrying about deviating from the design system. Tailwind’s configuration file allowed for easy customization of default styles, ensuring that the application adhered to the desired color palette, typography, and spacing guidelines.

Moreover, Tailwind’s scalability proved advantageous as the project grew in complexity. Adding new components or modifying existing ones was straightforward, thanks to the reusable utility classes. This scalability was particularly beneficial during the latter stages of the project when integrating additional features and refining the user interface.


In summary, Tailwind CSS significantly contributed to the success of my Application Design 2 final project. Its utility-first approach, combined with robust customization options, streamlined the design process, enhanced code organization, ensured consistency, and improved scalability. Beyond the technical benefits, using Tailwind taught me valuable lessons about efficiency, modularity, consistency, collaboration, and responsiveness in UI/UX design. Reflecting on this experience, I am confident that these insights will make me a better UI/UX designer, and look forward to leveraging more CSS Libraries like React's or Tailwind's capabilities in future projects.

Video Presentation - correct link


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