Advanced Interactive Final Project - Task 3

 Jason Antony



Advanced Interactive design

Task 3 Final Project

Presentation Video

I created the website according to my Figma design, and utilized Adobe animate to bring forth the animations and vision for my project to life. Reflecting on the journey of transforming my Figma design into a thematic website using Adobe Animate has been a profound and enlightening experience. As a designer, I’ve always wanted to create visually stunning and interactive user experiences. This project challenged me to push beyond static design and delve into the dynamic world of animation and interaction.

Starting with the Figma design, I was able to flesh out the aesthetic and structural aspects of the website. Figma’s robust prototyping tools allowed me to visualize the flow and interactivity of the site, giving me a solid blueprint to follow. However, transitioning from a design tool focused on static visuals to an animation tool like Adobe Animate was a significant shift. It required me to think about the nuances of movement, timing, and the user’s interactive experience in a more detailed and technical way.

One of the most exciting aspects of this process was bringing my design elements to life. In Figma, the website components were flat and static. But in Adobe Animate, I could infuse them with motion and personality. For example, buttons that simply existed in Figma could now have playful bounces or subtle hover effects. These animations added a layer of engagement that static designs couldn’t provide, creating a more immersive user experience.

A challenge I encountered was ensuring that the animations enhanced the user experience rather than detracting from it. It was easy to get carried away with the possibilities of movement and interactivity. However, I learned the importance of restraint and intention in animation. Each movement needed to serve a purpose—whether it was guiding the user’s eye, providing feedback, or simply adding delight. This restraint required a thoughtful balance between creativity and usability, something I had to constantly revisit and refine.

Another layer of complexity was introduced with the need for interactivity. Unlike in Figma, where interactions are predefined and limited, Adobe Animate allows for custom scripting to create unique user experiences. This required me to delve into basic scripting, a territory outside my usual comfort zone as a designer. Learning to write and implement scripts to navigate between different sections of the website was both challenging and rewarding. It gave me a greater appreciation for the technical side of web development and the intricate dance between design and functionality.

As I reflect on the overall experience, one of the most fulfilling aspects was seeing my initial static concepts evolve into a dynamic, interactive website. The thematic elements I envisioned in Figma—such as the whimsical transitions and atmospheric animations—became tangible realities in Adobe Animate. This transformation reinforced the power of animation and interactivity in enhancing a website's narrative and emotional impact.

In conclusion, this project was a journey of growth and discovery. It bridged my design skills with new technical capabilities, pushing me to think critically about the user experience beyond aesthetics. The process of turning a Figma design into a thematic website using Adobe Animate has not only expanded my skill set but also deepened my understanding of the digital medium’s potential. I am eager to continue exploring this intersection of design and animation, creating experiences that are as engaging as they are beautiful.


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