
Showing posts from December, 2023

Application Design Final Project

  23/08/2023 - 17/07/2023 (Week 1 - Week 14) Jason Antony 0356335 Application Design I / Bachelor of Arts (HONS) in Creative Media Final Task: Low Fidelity and High Fidelity Prototype User Testing  (Hayato Saito)   Scenario: Ticket Booking Objective: Evaluate the user's ability to successfully book tickets for a movie. Background: The user frequent moviegoer who wants to book tickets for the latest blockbuster at TGV Cinemas using the mobile app. Task: Open the TGV Cinemas app and navigate to the "Now Showing" section to find his desired movie Success Criteria: The user successfully locates the movie in the app. The user explores the movie details, including the synopsis and trailers. The user selects the upcoming Saturday evening showtime for "Wonka" The user proceeds to choose seats and successfully completes the seat selection process without confusion. The user navigates through the booking process, selects the preferred ticket types, and adds a snack combo


EXPERIENTIAL DESIGN - Final Task Jason Antony / 0356335 / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Experiential Design Task 4: Creative Experience Design Project December 15, 2023 Coming from the prototype I've improved several parts of the app. **1. AR Scene:**    - In the AR scene, I experienced the heart of our educational AR app. Here, I harnessed the incredible capabilities of Unity's AR Foundation to bring cell biology to life. By simply tapping on the screen of my mobile device, I was able to place a 3D model of a cell into my real-world environment. It was awe-inspiring to see the cell model seamlessly blend with my surroundings. I used Sketchfab to import the 3d model and create the labels. Then I made the object able to rotate, zoom, and move using a plugin called Lean Touch.  **2. Notebook Scene:**    - The Notebook scene was like opening a digital textbook on my mobile device. It was designed to be viewed in portrait mode, offering a comfortable reading experience. The

Games Studies

(Week 1 - Week 14) Jason Antony 0356335 Games Studies / Bachelor of Arts (HONS) in Creative Media Exercise 1 and 2 Final Tabletop Game Elemental Odyssey During week 1, we formed groups. We were tasked to create a tabletop game that was both fun and interesting. As week 3 approached, we played games in a board cafe, and a particular game caught our attention. We played Ticket to Ride, a tabletop game that is very unique in our eyes. We then decided to reference the game for our tabletop game.  As the weeks went by, we divided the tasks among the group members for all the tests. I was tasked to create the Map of the game and all the different routes and locations in the gameboard.  After discussing the state of the gameboard and how the gameboard would look in the final product, I began to produce the gameboard using Procreate.  These are the references and aesthetics that inspire my desig

Design Research Dissertation

  12/11/2023 - 02/12/2023 (Week 11 - Week 14) Jason Antony 0356335 Design Research Methodology / Bachelor of Arts (HONS) in Creative Media Task 1 Turn it in report Flipbook link: Task 4 Reflection At the start of the semester, I felt a bit overwhelmed by this module. It promised more research and building on what we learned before, and our last class had already taken up a big chunk of my time. I was afraid this one would be even more time-consuming with all the extra work. So, figuring out how to manage my time well wasn't just a helpful skill—it was essential to tackle the module without messing up my other assignments. As I moved through the module, I saw some real personal growth. The in-depth research sharpened my thinking skills, gave me a better handle on academic methods, and made me better at unraveling tricky concepts. This growth in skills also made a positive difference in h