Games Studies

(Week 1 - Week 14)

Jason Antony 0356335

Games Studies / Bachelor of Arts (HONS) in Creative Media

Final Tabletop Game

Elemental Odyssey

During week 1, we formed groups. We were tasked to create a tabletop game that was both fun and interesting. As week 3 approached, we played games in a board cafe, and a particular game caught our attention. We played Ticket to Ride, a tabletop game that is very unique in our eyes. We then decided to reference the game for our tabletop game. 

As the weeks went by, we divided the tasks among the group members for all the tests. I was tasked to create the Map of the game and all the different routes and locations in the gameboard. 

After discussing the state of the gameboard and how the gameboard would look in the final product, I began to produce the gameboard using Procreate. 

These are the references and aesthetics that inspire my design for the game board. 

This is the final gameboard design. It is then printed and used to conduct our Beta Playtest.

**Reflecting on the Board Game Project Journey**

Throughout my time at Taylor's, I've navigated numerous group projects, but crafting a board game from scratch proved uniquely challenging and rewarding. At first glance, the prospect seemed straightforward—yet, the logistics and regulations involved were unforeseen hurdles for my team.

This module seamlessly wove UI/UX design principles into our daily lives, pushing us to reimagine traditional games in a physical, non-digital space. The journey involved grappling with concept creation, rule formulation, and relentless trials.

Our major challenge emerged from an unexpected source—our collective introversion. Crafting an engaging game necessitated player interactions and the art of coaxing each other out of their comfort zones. This forced us to swiftly understand each other and establish comfortable boundaries in the realm of gameplay.

Time management added another layer of complexity. Unlike other modules with design flexibility until the last week, this one demanded an accelerated pace. Balancing design intricacies with the printing process for game components mandated meticulous planning, from shop selection to material choices, all under the ticking clock.

Despite the challenges, witnessing our game come to life by the semester's end was incredibly fulfilling. Acknowledging areas for future improvement, I am genuinely pleased with the culmination of our efforts. This project not only stretched our creative muscles but also imparted valuable lessons in collaboration, adaptability, and the intricate dance between design and execution.


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