Minor Project - Fleurir

Jason Antony 0356335

Week 1 - Week 14

Minor Project 

Bachelor of Design (HONS) in Creative Media


1. 0354969 / DA / Derin

2. 0356994 / DA / Rachel Madeline

3. 0349746 / GA / Sheryl Pang Pui San

4. 0363533 / GA / Chen Nan

5. 0356804 / UI/UX / Michelle Huang

6. 0356335 / UI/UX / Jason Antony

7. 0358362 / ED / Adifa Putri Harisyam


Miro Board

Project Proposal Board

Minor Project Brand Proposal by Group 3 Pink Stuff

Final Project Proposal

Minor Project_ Fleurir_Final Presentation by Group 3 Pink Stuff

Individual Tasks and Task Delegation

Week 2-6 Brainstorming, Discussions, and Task delegation.

My group leader Sheryl tasked me to handle the website part of the project.

Week 7 - Website Wireframe
Week 9 - Updates
Week 10 - Working on more pages and their wireframes
Week 11 - High Fidelity prototype
Week 12 - Refininements
Week 13 - Final Touches and Final Website Design 


Throughout this project, from initial discussions to the final brand pitch, the journey has been both challenging and rewarding. Each phase of the project provided valuable learning experiences that have not only enhanced my skills but also deepened my understanding of effective brand development and marketing strategies.

Planning and Initial Research

The project began with in-depth discussions and research, laying the foundation for our work. Understanding the significance of pink and studying the brand Fleurir taught me the importance of contextual research. This step was crucial for building a strong foundation and aligning our project with market trends and consumer expectations.

Wireframing and Prototyping

Creating detailed wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes was a pivotal part of the project. These tools allowed us to visualize the website’s structure and design comprehensively. Transitioning from wireframes to high-fidelity prototypes emphasized the value of iterative design and the importance of refining user interactions and visual elements. This phase reinforced my belief in the necessity of detailed planning and iterative testing to achieve a polished final product.

Packaging and Social Media Strategy

Exploring different packaging options and planning social media photography were essential for ensuring cohesive branding. This phase highlighted the significance of consistent brand presentation across various mediums. It taught me how physical product design and digital representation must work together to create a unified brand experience. The discussions and brainstorming sessions during this phase were instrumental in shaping a strong, recognizable brand identity.

Completing the Website and Final Pitch

Finishing the website in Figma and preparing for the final brand pitch was the culmination of our efforts. These steps brought together all the elements we had worked on, providing a complete and interactive prototype for stakeholders. The pitch itself was a critical learning experience, emphasizing the importance of clear and compelling communication. It allowed us to present our vision and strategies effectively, and the feedback we received was invaluable for future improvements.

Key Learnings and Future Applications

Overall, this project underscored the importance of thorough research, detailed planning, and iterative design. It highlighted the need for cohesive branding across different mediums and the value of clear communication during presentations. The skills and insights gained from this project will be crucial in future endeavors, guiding me in creating well-researched, user-centered designs and effectively communicating project outcomes to stakeholders.

This project has been a significant step in my professional development, providing practical experience and reinforcing theoretical knowledge. I look forward to applying what I have learned in future projects, continuing to refine my skills, and delivering high-quality, impactful design solutions.


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