Intercultural Design - E-Portfolio

Intercultural Design - E Portfolio

10/01/2023 – 28/02/2023  Week 1–Week 8

Jason Antony / 0356335

Illustration and Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's Design School

Final E-Portfolio

Part 1 - Proposal

First we had ideas of 

1. Surf Culture

2. Pakistani Truck Art

3. Scottish Culture

We finally Chose Surf Culture as the Topic we were going to further research and develop.

Ideas of project proposal 

1. Magazine that showcases Surf Culture

2. Surfboard design

3. Digital Mural

After consulting with Mr. Asrizal, we finally decided to combine those 3 ideas into one magazine. We then tasked one another with what to complete. My part was the digital mural. I wanted to emphasize the problem of racism in Surf Culture. It is shown in our slides that racism is an underlying problem in the culture. I also wanted to adapt the movement of "color the water" into the mural. 

Part 2 - Data Collection

Task delegation

Tasks were delegated to each member's strengths and abilities.


Jason and Hassan - Surf Murals

Rafiq and Farooq - Surf Fashion

Jacquline and Alyssa - Seashells and their meanings

I researched on Surf Murals. I have found that Surf murals are large-scale artworks that depict scenes and themes related to the sport of surfing. They are often found in coastal areas or in locations frequented by surfers, such as surf shops, beachside cafes, and hotels near popular surf spots. These murals can be created using a variety of mediums, including paint, mosaics, and digital designs.

One of the most common themes depicted in surf murals is the ocean, with its waves and sea creatures. Many murals showcase surfers riding waves or waiting for the next big swell. Others may feature marine life such as dolphins, whales, and sharks, or the natural beauty of the ocean, such as a stunning sunset or sunrise over the water.

Another popular theme in surf murals is the culture and lifestyle associated with surfing. This can include imagery of surfboards, beach scenes, and vintage surf posters, as well as symbols of the surfing community, such as the famous "shaka" hand gesture or the iconic VW bus used by many surfers as a mode of transportation.

Surf murals are often created by local artists who are passionate about surfing and the ocean. These artists may use their skills to create murals that celebrate the local surfing scene, highlight the beauty of the ocean, or showcase the unique culture of the area. In many cases, these murals serve as a way to bring together the community and promote local businesses.

Overall, surf murals are a beautiful and unique way to celebrate the sport of surfing, the ocean, and the vibrant culture that surrounds it. They can be found in many coastal communities around the world, and serve as a testament to the power of art to bring people together and inspire them to explore the natural world around them.
From these findings, I am able to visualize the aesthetic of what my surf mural is going to look like. 

Part 3 Final Project

For our Final Project, after discussing it with Mr. Asrizal, we have decided to adapt our magazine into an Instagram page that will feature all our works. 

My Role in this project was to design a Mural. I wanted to emphasize the problem of racism in Surf Culture. It is shown in our slides that racism is an underlying problem in the culture. I also wanted to adapt the movement of "color the water" into the mural. 



First Sketch

This is the first sketch I made. The whole idea behind the Mural was a wave that spirals within the  mural. Then different surfers with different poses ride along the waves. I envisioned the spirals to be filled with many different colors to adapt the movement, "color the water", as well as to symbolize diversity. The surfers were also to be of different skin colors. This shows that everyone can surf regardless of their skin. The ocean doesn't differentiate so why should we?

I then passed the sketch to Hassan and below is the work he produced.

Hassan's updated version of the mural

After Hassan updated the design of the mural, I then proceeded to further improve his design. I felt that Hassan's design didn't really portray a surf mural's aesthetic. The overall vibe should be brighter and I felt that the colors had to pop more. I then made changes to the background. 

Updated version from the first coloring

When I had finished the mural, I still thought that something was off. I felt that the surfers didnt match the overall aesthetic of the mural, hence I updated the designs of the characters.

Updated Characters for the Mural in my procreate workspace

I felt that the characters I drew definitely fit the background like a glove. Below is the final Mural. 

Final Mural

Next, for the Mural to be showcased on our Instagram page, I edited it onto a display wall. 

Final Work

Presentation Board

This is our presentation board, which also includes the Instagram page and all of our members' works. The beginning of the final part was really stressful since I was very concerned about the final outcome, how it would appear, whether or not I would be able to effectively convey the message I wanted to emphasize through my illustration, etc. But as soon as I started coloring and painting, everything made sense. Creating the final product also reminded me of the information I studied in the first semester. I used the design concepts to add harmonious and well-balanced artwork. I'm also appreciative of my group members who put their confidence in my concepts and ideas.


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