
Application Design 2 - Final Project

Jason Antony 0356335 Application Design 2 Final Project - Live Web App Instructions A) Final Project – Completed App – 30 % Students will synthesise the knowledge gained in task 1, 2 and 3 for application in task 4. Students will create integrate visual asset and refine the prototype into a complete working and functional product experience. B) E-Portfolio - 10 % Students describe and reflect on their social competencies within the design studio context, supported by evidence. Reflect on how to empathize with others within group settings, interact positively within a team, and foster stable and harmonious relationships for productive teamwork. Reflective writing is part of the TGCP. Netlify link Process and Reflection Overview For my final project in Application Design 2, I developed a web application aimed at providing users with an intuitive and interactive interface for booking movie tickets. The project involved extensive front-end development, focusi

Advanced Interactive Final Project - Task 3

 Jason Antony 0356335 BDCM Advanced Interactive design Task 3 Final Project Presentation Video I created the website according to my Figma design, and utilized Adobe animate to bring forth the animations and vision for my project to life. Reflecting on the journey of transforming my Figma design into a thematic website using Adobe Animate has been a profound and enlightening experience. As a designer, I’ve always wanted to create visually stunning and interactive user experiences. This project challenged me to push beyond static design and delve into the dynamic world of animation and interaction. Starting with the Figma design, I was able to flesh out the aesthetic and structural aspects of the website. Figma’s robust prototyping tools allowed me to visualize the flow and interactivity of the site, giving me a solid blueprint to follow. However, transitioning from a design tool focused on static visuals to an animation tool like Adobe Animate was a signifi

Minor Project - Fleurir

Jason Antony 0356335 Week 1 - Week 14 Minor Project  Bachelor of Design (HONS) in Creative Media Group — PINK STUFF 1. 0354969 / DA / Derin 2. 0356994 / DA / Rachel Madeline 3. 0349746 / GA / Sheryl Pang Pui San 4. 0363533 / GA / Chen Nan 5. 0356804 / UI/UX / Michelle Huang 6. 0356335 / UI/UX / Jason Antony 7. 0358362 / ED / Adifa Putri Harisyam Instructions Miro Board Project Proposal Board Minor Project Brand Proposal by Group 3 Pink Stuff Final Project Proposal Minor Project_ Fleurir_Final Presentation by Group 3 Pink Stuff Individual Tasks and Task Delegation Week 2-6 Brainstorming, Discussions, and Task delegation. My group leader Sheryl tasked me to handle the website part of the project. Roadmap Week 7 - Website Wireframe Week 9 - Updates Week 10 - Working on more pages and their wireframes Week 11 - High Fidelity prototype Week 12 - Refininements Week 13 - Final Touches and Final Website Design  Reflections Throughout this project, from initial discu

Project 3 Application Design 2

Jason Antony 0356335 Application Design 2  Project 3 This project had me almost giving up. coding has never been something that I enjoy. There were so many errors with the animations. when some were working some weren't. Ultimately, I could only make the home page and the second page.  attached in the Google Drive is the folder for the web app. and below, the video presentation for my project 3

Advanced Interactive Design Task 2 Interaction Design Planning and Prototype

Jason Antony 0356335 BDCM Advanced Interactive design Task 2 Interaction Design Planning and Prototype Instructions Students are required to work on their visual design and start planning their website’s interactive design elements and features. Unlike traditional static websites, when it comes to interactive design where animations are present, the plan not only should include the layout visuals but also the animation example or reference. Students can build their animation or user-reference animation to demonstrate the intended idea. Requirements: Walkthrough Video presenting the plan and showing the animation examples and/or references. Online posts in your E-portfolio as your reflective studies with links to any resource involved in creating the plan. (i.e.: Figma link, Miro link, etc.) Figma Link I finished my prototype in Figma without animations before moving to Adobe Animat

Task 2 Application Design

 Jason Antony 0356335 Application Design 2  Project 2 - Interaction Design Planning & Prototyping Figma File Link Animation Flowchart Landing Page Ad to home page is done using dissolve fade in The Rest of the transitions will be done using slide in and out for the MVP Pages to maintain a consistent animation style throughout the pages. The transaction and payment methods feature a slide up animation. this seamless transition for the payment page is seamless and natural.  lastly, to access the barcode for active tickets, i used fade in dissolve and fade out animations since slide in or out doesn't make sense for this part. The flowchart is made for a linear progression flow, which is natural and decreases cognitive load.  Video Presentation

Advanced Interactive Design - Task 1: Thematic Interactive Website Proposal

Advanced Interactive Design - Task 1: Thematic Interactive Website Proposal 24.4.2024 - 15.5.2024 / Week 01 - Week 04 Jason Antony / 0356335 Advanced Interactive Design / Bachelor  of Design (Honours) in Creative Media Task 1: Thematic Interactive Website Proposal Task 1: Thematic Interactive Website Proposal A thematic interactive website is a website that focuses on a specific theme or concept with the aim of incorporating interactive elements to interact with users. Most such websites utilise multimedia such as videos, animations, interactive graphics displayed on the page, or other clickable elements which have interactive components that provoke the user. This dynamic experience is meant to keep the user interested in addition to the thematic concept. Themes in such websites vary from educational, cultural, promotional campaigns to product launch. For example, a thematic interacti